Appraiser Liability 101 is my 4-hour online risk management course for real estate appraisers. It’s available 24/7 and consists of seven video presentations by me about interesting appraiser legal issues with a short quiz after each video. Just watch and learn. The real-world appraiser cases I talk about are interesting!
An appraiser in Hawaii wrote: “Your online course … was great. I was actually sorry to see it was over, and I can’t say this of any other CE class that I’ve taken.”
The course is available through Appraiser eLearning.
E&O Discount for Completing Appraiser Liability 101: Appraisers who are insured by LIA Administrators & Insurance Services and who complete the course become eligible for a discount on their E&O premium (once per year). The E&O discount is $70 ($50 in California) if the per claim limit of your policy is $500,000 or above, or $40 ($25 in California) if your claim limit is lower. Please check with LIA if you have detailed questions about your applicable E&O discount.